
Egg-cellent Ways to Include Your Dog in Easter
As the Easter holiday approaches, you might be busy preparing exciting events and activities for your loved ones. However, it's important not to overlook your furry companion! Incorporating your dog into your Easter celebrations is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your bond and make the occasion even more memorable. To help you get started, Bella & Pal put together some practical tips and creative ideas for including your dog in your Easter festivities.
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide For Your Beloved Dogs
Valentine's Day is a special occasion for expressing love and appreciation to our loved ones. So Bella & Pal has some wonderful gift ideas for pet lovers to celebrate this day of love with your furry kid. Hope every furry friend also can have a fantastic pawlentine's day with their beloved owners.
慶祝全國狗週的最佳 5 件狗禮物
緯!全國養犬週開始啦!狗一直被認為是人類最好的朋友,隨著時間的推移,這種關係仍然很親密。為了感謝他們的陪伴,每年 9 月的第四周將被慶祝為全國狗週。 BELLA & PAL準備了一些 pawfect 狗禮物來款待你這週毛茸茸的朋友!
這個父親節為狗爸爸準備的 5 項活動
每年六月的第三個星期日,全世界都會慶祝父親節。 2022 年的這一天是 6 月 19 日,這一天也是全國狗爸爸日,這是為了慶祝所有的狗爸爸,那些沒有人類孩子但有狗的人,把他們當作自己的親生孩子一樣對待。在如此重要的一天,我們列出了一些可以與您的狗一起做的活動,以度過一個令人印象深刻而美好的父親節。